• Title – maximum 25 words
• Author(s) — List the primary author first
The abstract should be constructed using the format listed below. Please note the formats applicable to scientific or operational research.
• | Background: An opening sentence or two that introduces the study. For operational research, include the problem statement and rationale for intervention |
• | Objectives: Indicate the purpose of the study or the hypothesis that was tested. |
• | Methodology: Include the setting for the study, the subjects, and the type of analysis if appropriate |
• | Results: Present the results of the study. (Please state clearly, if you do not have final results available, but indicate any preliminary and anticipated final results) |
• | Conclusions: Briefly discuss the data and emphasise the significance of the results. |
• | 3 keywords |
All intended presentations require the submission of an abstract. All abstracts will be subject to peer review. Refer to the online abstract submission form or manual abstract submission form for requirements.
• | The abstract title should be no longer than 12 words. |
• | The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words in simple text paragraphs without images or tables. |
• | For each abstract submission, authors must identify as either a researcher or practitioner and select at least one topic. |
• | If there is more than one presenter, all correspondence will be sent to the person whose name and email address is entered with the abstract. |
• | A maximum of two (2) abstracts may be submitted per presenting author. To promote a diversity of voices at the conference, presenters will be limited to one oral presentation per person. All abstracts must be in original work and submitted in English. |
• | All abstract submissions must agree to the Speaker Terms and Conditions upon submission of the abstract. Presentation offers will be advised by May 28, 2021. |
• | Please note: All presenters must register at the time of confirming their acceptance of the invitation to present and pay the conference registration fee. |
• | Abstracts are to be submitted electronically using the online facility on the GAPC2021 website. |
• | Select the Abstract Submission tab and follow the prompts. |
• | Abstracts submitted for presentation will be published exactly as received and should be checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission. Do not submit a version with ‘track changes’ active. |
• | It is the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that the abstract uploaded to the server is the correct version. |
• | All presenters must register once they have confirmed their acceptance of the presentation offer and pay the conference registration fee. Please note early bird registrations close 30 July 2021. |
All Rights Reserved. © 2024 South African Clinician Scientist Conference - Hosted By : The South African Medical Research Council